Friday, July 24, 2009

At long last...

I have been offered (and have accepted!) a job with the American Lung Association! It's great news and I start next week already. I must say, that there were a few times when I thought I wasn't ever going to find work again. But, thankfully, I have some great contacts (The Welch Group) who passed on the information to me and I am back in business!

Out of this I have also learned an important lesson. My top new goal, both personally and professionally, is to really dig deep and develop my networking skills. I have not always fully grasped networking opportunities - but I plan to brush up my skills and incorporate it into my life.

I'm going to start digging up some resources next...any advice is welcome!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sharing The Man

I just got an email from a woman who is a part of the Pease Greeters. They welcomed the guys and sent them off with a fantastic farewell as they left the United States (read blog about them here).

The woman who emailed me today was emailing regarding some other stuff, but I was really moved by something she wrote about The Man:

"Thank you for sharing him with his Country."

Wow. Truthfully, I'm kind of selfish about The Man! But this wonderful woman (who is part of a wonderful organization!) really hit home.

I'm glad that there are people who recognize and act upon their support for our Soldiers. And who go above and beyond. It helps make it worth it to share The Man!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Landscaping project

When The Man was home we tore up the front yard and did quite a three days!

I still have to get one more truckload of stone, paint our steps, and put in some plants - but here it is!
Before...big dirt pile, messy plant beds...what a disaster!

The Man consulting with the Pro...

What a mess!

Final product (almost!) - pretty planters, pretty stone, so neat and clean!

The Man after all the hard work!