Friday, July 24, 2009

At long last...

I have been offered (and have accepted!) a job with the American Lung Association! It's great news and I start next week already. I must say, that there were a few times when I thought I wasn't ever going to find work again. But, thankfully, I have some great contacts (The Welch Group) who passed on the information to me and I am back in business!

Out of this I have also learned an important lesson. My top new goal, both personally and professionally, is to really dig deep and develop my networking skills. I have not always fully grasped networking opportunities - but I plan to brush up my skills and incorporate it into my life.

I'm going to start digging up some resources next...any advice is welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congratulations! You sounded so excited about the interview the other week, so I'm glad they realized you are the best girl (or boy I guess, let's not be sexist!) for the job!
