Saturday, January 24, 2009

America, The Beautiful

Beauty pageants never were my "thing".

The thought of parading around on stage in a gown or bathing suit so someone can judge my appearance always seemed too shallow.

Yet, here I sit on the couch, watching the Miss America pageant.

I'm not really sure why. In fact, when The Man called tonight, he laughed at me.

I know that these are 52 well-rounded, intelligent women. I just wish there was a better way to showcase their depth.

I was still drawn to watching it tonight for some strange reason.

And, just like the Inauguration earlier this week, it's larger than life.

And purely American.

Ehh. What can I say? I've been feeling a little pride in our country this week.

Maybe it's because I've been digging into my new role as FRG Lead Volunteer for my husband's unit. I have a lot to learn about Family Readiness Groups (FRG), but I'm excited to jump in. I am excited to give a little of my time to our Soldiers - to help them know that their families are taken care of.

I won't ever be Miss America. The Presidency is probably out of my league. But someone has some confidence in letting me take care of some of America's VIPs.

Ehh, yeah, maybe a bit of American pride is pouring out of me...


  1. The Miss America pageant was on and I missed it? I also, for some unknown reason, enjoy watching those as well...even though you're right: it seems incredibly shallow. I didn't know you were the FRG Lead Volunteer! Go you! And nice picture of my husband's brother ;)

  2. LOL. We should have watched it together and let the bros hang out!!
