Saturday, January 10, 2009

Damn I look Good!

Still a bit bummed over the Unemployment Compensation, I thought starting the day with a good yoga workout would be helpful to yesterday's clinging attitude slip. I headed off to class bright and early...

After a sweat-inducing pain session, I did some cleaning and online job hunting. None of which brightened the day. I also checked on prices to visit The Man next week (my husband is in the South for the month enjoying 80 degree weather while he works on an Army assignment). No luck finding a cheap flight.


This evening, however, turned my attitude around.

I went to see The Midnight Swinger, my husband's favorite comedian and entertainer ( . It's too bad The Man missed such a good show tonight.

Who am I kidding? It's always a good show when The Swinger is in town!

The Man thinks The Midnight Swinger is pretty much the coolest guy on the planet. I can't even begin to describe The Swinger...where to begin? His catch phrase is "Damn, I Look Good" - that pretty much sums him up.


Not only did The Midnight Swinger provide excellent entertainment tonight, he'll also serve as some good ammo to use on The Man when he starts in to me on the toasty weather down south later this week.

Which reminds me...

We are preparing for the coldest temps of the winter. I may have to pull out the YouTube link of The Swinger to cheer up on the cold days later this week...join me for a good laugh!

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